Set up a blog on GitHub Pages with Jekyll

Original article from

It’s never too late to make yourself a personal blog site, as long as you would like to spend some time to write for someone else to take a look when they are searching about the things you are sharing. I am saying this to myself when I decided to set up my website and write this blog as the first post

Resources we would use

  • GitHub Pages: GitHub is an open platform for everyone whoever has the open-source/resource idea in his mind. It provides static web site serving service for free which is named as GitHub pages.
    More details here:

  • Jekyll: Jekyll is the most popular tool to transform plain text into static websites and blogs.
    More details here:

  • A domain name (optional): You may like to have your own domain name like, but it’s optional because GitHub provides you a free domain name as

Steps to setup it up

  • If you get yourself a domain name for your site, go to the provider’s website and create a CNAME record for your domain name with value as

  • Create a repo after you have your GitHub account, name it as and enable the GitHub pages, and configure the custom domain name if you have one. Also check the enforce https option is recommended.

  • Clone a jekyll blog template you would like to choose (The one I am using is

  • Config the site’s name and author in _config.yaml, setup a comment tool (like Disqus).

  • Push the working copy to your GitHub repo, and it’s up.

Sum up

I was mainly talking about the ideas to set up a personal blog site on GitHub Pages with Jekyll and didn’t cover every detail during the process. If you want the detailed procedure, leave me a comment directly on my blog.